Workshop: Attention & Cognition, 19 April 2024
The term attention is in the repertoire of researchers across multiple disciplines. However, it is not the case that researchers in individual disciplines have a coherent or even similar understanding of what the term refers to (Anderson, 2011, 2023). Thus, it is no surprise that crosstalk between disciplines is also affected by the plurality of definitions attributed to the term. In this workshop, we will contrast different perspectives on the question of what attention is and what role it plays in understanding human cognition and human behavior. The goal is not to resolve the ambiguity related to the term, rather we aim to initiate a discussion, find some common ground and inspire workshop participants to reflect on the multiple facets of attention as a core theoretical concept in the Cognitive Sciences.
Date: 19 April 2024, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Psychological Institute (Hauptstraße 47-51), Heidelberg University, back building, room A102 (first floor).
Registration: Registration is closed
Jan Rummel
Alexander Gutschalk
Sabina Pauen
Johannes Gerwien
Moderated by : André Rupp
Anderson, B. (2011). There is no Such Thing as Attention. Frontiers in Psychology, 2.
Anderson, B. (2023). Stop paying attention to “attention”. WIREs Cognitive Science, 14(1).
Workshop: Interaction & Cognition, 19 January 2024
The goal of this (rather informal) workshop is to shed light on the diverse perspectives on "human interaction" with the intent to explore how research on interaction can contribute to understanding human cognition. With plenty of time for discussion, the event provides a forum for the exchange of ideas as well as to find potential cooperation partners. There will be five short keynotes by researchers from different fields to spark the discussion.
Date: 19 January 2024, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Room A102 at the Psychological Institute, Heidelberg University.
Registration: registration is closed
Sabina Pauen: How social interactions with humanoid robots may change our cognition about this „new species“. Insights from developmental psychology.
Christiane Schwieren: Cognition in strategic interaction
Christoph Korn, Ismail Guennouni, & Sergej Golowin: Neuro-computational models of social learning and decision-making
Jörg Zinken: Events in interaction
Thomas Fuchs: Disorders of embodied intersubjectivity in autism
Jan Rummel (speaker of the MRA "Cognitive Science")
Johannes Gerwien (contact person and coordinator)
Lecture series 2023/24
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