Cognitive Science at Heidelberg University

Visions & missions

Cognitive science is a field of study encompassing a wide range of disciplines, approaches, and methods converging on the study of cognition. As an interdisciplinary endeavor, it relies heavily on transdisciplinary exchange and collaborative work.

Our vision is to establish a cognitive science network at Heidelberg University, spanning over all four Fields of Focus. Our mission is to foster interdisciplinary collaborations both in research and teaching.

Research topics and projects

Mind, brain, machine – The research conducted by the members of the network covers a broad range of topics. An overview can be found here.


The Cognitive Science Network has launched a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), which allows students that are enrolled in any Master's or PhD program at Heidelberg University to broaden their perspective by taking courses offered by members of the network. More information can be found here.

Members of the Cognitive Science Network

Find an overview of active members here.

Are you interested in joining the network?

If you work on topics in the domain of cognitive science or related fields and want to join the network, or would like to know more about the network and its goals, or if you are looking for expertise from members of the network, don't hesitate to contact us.


The Cognitive Science Network has been receiving financial support from the research councils of Field of Focus I, Field of Focus IIField of Focus III, and Field of Focus IV.


Jan Rummel (speaker of the MRA "Cognitive Science")

Johannes Gerwien (contact person and coordinator)


Öffentlicher Vortrag: Einblicke in die Welt im Kopf - Die Rolle bildgebender Verfahren bei Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen

5. November 2024 · 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Alte Aula · Universität Heidelberg

Grabengasse 1 · 69117 Heidelberg

Eintritt frei!

more information


Lecture series 2024

Mailing list

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